
coding, trading, reading

  1. 1. Introduction


  • Column-oriented database system: each attribute is stored in a separate column, such that successive values of that attribute are stored consecutively on disk.
  • Compression techniques:
    • Dictionary schemas
    • Compress values from more than one row at a time (e.g. run-length encoding)
  • Architecture:
    • Relational interface on top of a column-store.
    • Each table is physically represented as a collection of projections.
  • Compression schemes
    • Null suppression
    • Dictionary encoding
      • Cache-conscious optimization
      • Parsing into single values
    • Run-length encoding (RLE)
    • Bit-vector encoding
  • Heavyweight compression schemes
    • Lempel-ziv encoding
  • Compressed query execution
    • Query Executor Architecture
      • Compression block
      • Datasource operator
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